Artwork by Tatarynova Polina
Чи можемо ми побачити звук? Наскільки мови музичні? Чи можемо ми відчути момент? Чи можемо ми зрозуміти мову художника? Студенти GrandExpo online school разом з DearYou Family знайшли свої особисті відповіді та ARTSolutions!
Can we see the sound? How are languages musical? Can we feel the moment? Can we understand the language of artist? GrandExpo Students together with Dear You Family found their personal answers and ARTSolutions!
Ирина Мыкал and her students
The young artists from Grand Expo Online School in the Ukraine are making and sharing art with the young artists at Taizhou Pheonix School in China.