We took some time to listen to what the kids had to say about environmental problems they see in Seðisfjöður and in the world. In icelandic they are called „Vandamál heims“.
6th Grade
Inviting curiosity
10 years old, 11 years old, 13 year olds, 2021, 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade, IcelandCommentBoth groups are very curious and accept the invitations with curiosity to see what the others are doing, in the case of the self-portrait, the 4th grade group chose to take a photo and transfer to paper, the older group chose to do it freely. Within the self-portrait process we have gone out to look in nature for elements in which we feel represented.
Art inspired by the world around us
2021, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, China, Ukraine1 CommentRipples in the valleys
2017, 6th Grade, Canada, FinlandCommentWe followed the suggestions in the project outline (closing our eyes and feeling things, then crumpling and flattening out our paper). The idea that most students went with was the use of watered down tempera paints. We were hoping that the paints would be watered down enough to flow through the wrinkles or the "valleys" on the paper. Students could either use the paint brush, tilt their paper back and forth to move the watered down paint, or blow on the drops of watered down paint.
Most used a brush to drop paint onto their paper and tilted the page. We were doing the painting outside (finally some sunshine and warm weather!) and it was a very windy day, so the wind was also a factor in how some of the paint was moved around... :)
Much of the finished artworks look very abstract and like the paint was flung, but that was not quite what happened. Also, some of the students made comments like "this is New York City" or "this is a metropolis" for a paper very full of paint. Others made comments about it being more rural when there were areas with less paint, just as we would expect to see on a road map.
Overall, they had a really fun time with the activity! It is also more fun to paint outside than in the portable! :) To see a presentation of Feel the Flow project, please click here.
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Experimenting with marmor colours
2017, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, CanadaCommentWe tried marmoring colours. Pupils did different experiments with other colours as well. They added for instance dishwashing liquids on colors and/or used wet papers & salt.
That really made a mess, but it was worth it and they helped with cleaning. The group enjoyed last lesson of this school year a lot.
I saved all mini paintings for the next year, when we can somehow continue the work and draw on them.
I feel very grateful for our collaboration. Thank You both!
Enjoy the summer!
Päivi Huhtinen
The 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada.
Here now. Feeling silly ; )
2017, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentSome students could actually hear their heartbeat and their blinking and breathing as we tried it the second time... some just got a bit silly after seeing their "now" drawings.
It was a fun experience, but I think I would have preferred to do it in smaller groups of students, so that they maybe wouldn't be as easily influenced by one or two "silly" students.
To view the Lay of the Land presentation click here.
Kaarina :)
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Making art by listening to our surroundings
2017, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, JanuaryCommentWe listened to the silence and very loud noise and made notes. In the third section, I asked pupils to think about the sound of a place where they feel happy and relaxed.
They all liked the task and concentrated really well.
The 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada.
From Canada to Finland- we are making connections!
2016, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Canada, FinlandCommentThese are the images of student vehicles that they created. They had the option to use any materials in the class or from home. They could create a real or fictional vehicle and describe whether it was for land, air or water travel.
A few students (large yellow wheels) and a long one with a parachute and green propeller actually wired them to operate (electricity was our first big project of the year).
Teacher Kaarina Losey
The 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada are making and sharing art with the 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
From Russian Karelia to Finland!
2016, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, RussiaCommentHere are drawings of the characters and their homes created by the artists in Karelia.
Ученики Финско-русской школы в Хельсинки получили художественную посылку из России. Ребята из Кепской школы им. Ортье Степанова (п. Кепа, Калевальский район, респ. Карелия) придумали дома - гравюры для своих героев. Это третье задание 4-х месячной сессии проекта Дорогой ты осень-зима 2016г. Присоединяйтесь к нам!
The artists from Кепа школу (Kepa School) in Karelia, Russia are making and sharing art with the artists from 2B at Suomalais-venäläinen koulu.
![work 3.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1481189680831-G685MLW7H2N5GFG68DS8/work+3.jpg)
Looking around and what do we see?
2016, 6th Grade, Canada, FinlandCommentHere are the photos of the spiral artworks for Look Around project. The index cards are their explanations of their artworks. Some of them painted outside, some painted inside because it had gotten too cold the one day to paint outside of the portable! :)
These works are all on their way to Päivi and her students. They were posted earlier this week, so hopefully they arrive before the holiday break!
Teacher Kaarina Losey
The 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada are making and sharing art with the 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Enjoying Layers of Love in Canada
2016, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, CanadaCommentGreetings from Canada!
They really enjoyed the artwork as they got going with it. A few students used too much paint in an attempt to cover it completely and then had the paint flake off instead of allowing them to etch it off.
Some were very hesitant about painting over their artworks. :) Others enjoyed it so much they asked to do a second artwork jn the same manner!
The 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada are making and sharing art with the 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
The English School in Helsinki show their love for their Canadian friends
2016, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentI asked the group to think about what makes them feel home. They wrote some thoughts on the back of the work. We used a ready made black & silver scrap-card board.
Last lesson we looked through the images made in Canada. They loved the works and had lots of comments.
We packed the Layers of Love scratch drawings, their comments, and the school posted it today.
The 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada.
Life is like a movie at The English School in Helsinki!
2016, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, CanadaCommentAs the first art task of this school year, the group was asked to imagine what if an animation film was made based on their own life. They planned and drew sketches of the recent experiences they have had. This task just happened to be very similar to Arlene´s first Dear You task. Many combined these two tasks together.
Children seemed to be a bit shy when writing to their new Canadians friends. They had time to write only short notes. However it was nice to see how their motivation grew as they their work progressed.
As a medium they used waterproof markers, transparent copy sheets, class paints + some colourful plastic sheets. Most of the photos were taken against our classroom window.
Many of the pupils have been playing Pokemon Go and that shows! Many images are based on hobbies and other interests of life. Most images are very personal.
Päivi Huhtinen
The 6th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 6th graders at Ryerson P.S. in Cambridge, ON, Canada.
![Dear You 2016-17 (4).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1476348920949-OC6ALG7LF3GJ7ELOSS7N/Dear+You+2016-17+%284%29.jpg)
![Dear You 2016-17 (3).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1476348918328-ALNZARN97SU86TIFA2PE/Dear+You+2016-17+%283%29.jpg)
![Dear You 2016-17 (2).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1476348918766-9LGR902A7TFBU4XU2XRV/Dear+You+2016-17+%282%29.jpg)
![Dear You 2016-17 (1).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1476348919316-IJA59BHXOCJ73KCFF2XN/Dear+You+2016-17+%281%29.jpg)
![Dear You 2016-17.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53f34862e4b02a159fabe45b/1476348923418-YVYK8POMML2S6F1LAMVR/Dear+You+2016-17.jpg)
Marimekko inspirations
2016, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentHere are the pics of our table cloths. Pupils did like the task. It was easy enough and we discussed a lot about Marimekko designs.
Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with Kaarina Losey and her 6th graders at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada.
Zen tangled together
2016, 6th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Canada, FinlandCommentThe students enjoyed the project, but many had difficulty with developing a pattern. Some are more of an image, and some are more of a variation of a zen tangle - I showed them some of those images and that seemed to have sparked a bit of creativity with some students!
To view the works please click here.
This was a wonderful experience for the students this year! Can't wait to see how it goes again next year!
Have a wonderful and enjoyable summer!
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Go figure my riddle!
2016, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, 6th GradeCommentSome students took it very literally, and just wrote clues without much art work to support what they were talking about... a lot of others provided a great amount of detail on each and every page.
Some almost made the books more puzzle-like - flip - to the back - flip back to the front, hide the answer, hide clues, etc. Again, the topic was pretty varied. Some chose a food, others favourite characters from books or movies, or an animal...
Most really enjoyed it, some opted out of some of the more "creative" component of the book.... :)
Here are a few short words on the class website.
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Greetings from Canada!
2016, 6th Grade, DisplayCommentWe have finally gotten our first substantial snow that has lasted. It is actually supposed to snow all week! :)
I wanted to showcase all of the work that Päivi and her students completed for the rest of the school... One of my Korean students, Nayeon has spent a few hours over the last few days organizing and showcasing as many letters and artworks as possible. The letters are along the back, with the pop up places at the bottom. The puppets are scattered throughout, and there are a variety of notes from Päivi as well as some of the photos of art works.
We did not get every art work up there but there, but tried our best! We also included a map of the world showing Finland and where we are, since a lot of the younger students had no idea where you were located!
This was an amazing experience for the students, and they absolutely LOVED the last set of letters they received from your students...
I will send a brief set of letters and the masks along shortly. The masks are VERY different... everybody kind of ended up doing their own thing... I will try and forward a few pics before mailing them along...
Hope you have a great week!
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Wondering about wonders
2015, 6th Grade, FinlandCommentDear Arlene,
Thank you for the collaboration this autumn!
The images below are taken last Wed when the group opened their last letter from Canada.
Our group has enjoyed all letters they have received. They wondered how the others write mistakes and only simple sentences :). They have been acting as teachers. it seems that we demand a lot of learning results from our pupil.
I wish you all the best for the holiday season!
Päivi Huhtinen
Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with Kaarina Losey and her 6th graders at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada.
Let's Go to Finland from Canada!
2015, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentHere are the photos from the "Let's Go" project. We talked about being creative, and some of the basic ideas we knew of transporting items and goods. I showed them the basic shapes and left it very open ended. They were able to draw, cut and paste, anything. I asked for some labels to communicate their thinking and design choices. Some did more of that than others... :).
This was a really great opportunity for the students... I can't wait to do it again next year!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.
Diving into worlds!
2015, 6th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentWe discussed and demonstrated a few different ways that they could get things to be 3D and "pop" from the page. I showed the fold and snip, we talked about tabs of grass they could glue on, and also how they could do an accordion pleat of paper on the back of a shape as well. I did share the video about "Houses" that was posted on Facebook and shared some of the photos Päivi had shared with the entire class, but many were already partway through the project. My students were very excited, and think that the English class are all much better artists than they are!! :)
I am hoping to set up a display in the library or a glass cabinet of both the places and the puppets when everything arrives. I'll send photos once I get it organized!
Enjoy your week!
Kaarina Losey is the 6th grade teacher at Pioneer Park P.S. in Ontario, Canada. Her group of artists are making and sharing art with the Päivi Huhtinen and her group of 5th graders from The English School in Helsinki, Finland.